SMALLOPS presents at Expobiomasa the new system for the recovery of zero residue olive waste through the production of OPS

small ops

OPS are zerovalent iron nanoparticles encapsulated in a matrix of carbon, green energy and digestate that can be converted to fertilizer, organic amendment and / or compost. Thanks to this process, polyphenols are reduced, making it possible to generate biogas from exclusively vegetable water and alperujo as sole substrates.

OPS are produced from vegetable water using hydrothermal carbonization techniques, which is a new method for the synthesis of iron nanoparticles. This process complies with the principles of green chemistry and is a low-cost method of synthesis of reduced iron nanoparticles, with improved characteristics compared to the reduced iron nanoparticles currently produced and with up to 6 environmental applications, such as the improvement from the production of biogas, biohydrogen, polluted water treatment, fertilizers ...

OPS contain an average of 2,5% zero-valent iron (ZVI), 44,5% total iron, and 55,5% carbon. They are magnetic and have a mean size of 150 nm, a surface area of ​​14,7 m2 / g and a total pore volume of 0,0696 cc / g. If an activation process is applied to them, these values ​​can be improved, for example obtaining a surface area of ​​190 m2 / g and 10% ZVI. Likewise, PAHOs are a novel product, non-existent on the market and non-toxic within the framework of the circular economy.

The OPS, which have been presented for the Expobiomasa 2021 Innovation Award, are applied directly to the digesters, offering numerous advantages: They improve methane production by 10-20%. The resulting digestate generates greater interest and viability when applying it to soils due to the higher iron and sulfur content and its lower polluting load. Elimination of hydrogen sulfide gas by 99%. They provide greater stability to the biogas production process in the face of variations in the substrate, which favors the transition towards the massive introduction of biogas as a reliable and renewable energy source.

The recipients are: 

  • Caterpillar mills and oil mills that need to value their waste, to which a new method of treating their waste is proposed for the production of OPS and biogas from alperujo.
  • Biogas plants. Potential clients would be all those plants that do not have high energy yields. The application of the product would allow to increase the methane content giving a higher performance to your plant.
  • Plants with engine problems due to hydrogen sulfide or have to upgrade the biogas to transform it into biomethane, where it is necessary to eliminate said gas.
  • Biogas plants whose machinery is obsolete and do not carry out a correct biogas production. The application of the OPS would improve the production of biogas and digestate, in addition to avoiding the formation of hydrogen sulfide.

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