Tender new biomass heat network in Ponferrada

Heat network in Ponferra

The Public Company of Infrastructures and Environment of Castilla y León (Somacyl) has tendered for 4,1 million euros (VAT not included) the hiring of the execution of the installation and maintenance works of a biomass heat network in Ponferrada.

The project contemplates supplying hot water and heating to 13 municipal buildings. It's about the stadium and the pavilion of Toralín, the climbing wall, the Pico Tuerto health center, the Gil y Carrasco institutebus stationlibrary, la Official School of Languages ​​(EOI) and the colleges La Puebla, Álvaro de Mendaña and Peñalba. In addition, they intend to also incorporate the facilities of the Campus del Bierzo from the University of León (ULE), as well as those of the associated center of the National University of Distance Education (UNED). The energy savings will oscillate between the 10 and the 15 percent.

This heating network does not cause new emissions on a local scale, since it replaces other boilers that are currently in operation: more than fifty fossil fuel boiler rooms located in the area, many of which have old combustion equipment that works with low energy efficiency and without advanced emission control systems.

The natural wood will be burned in boilers with continuous control of combustion at low temperature, with particle filtering systems composed of separating cyclones and electrofilters, so that the current environmental regulations are complied with and will be put into effect in Spain. according to the application of the new European directives.

Likewise, with the use of an indigenous resource such as biomass, added value and employment is created in Castilla y León, while contributing to forest maintenance and avoiding fires, reducing CO2 emissions.

More info: http://sorianoticias.com/noticia/2017-12-11-ponferrada-leon-tambien-se-suma-red-calor-biomasa-44558


