The #biomasa generates a business of 3.700 million euros in # Spain

biomass generates business


Spain is increasing the competitiveness of sectors such as agri-food, forestry and biomass, which already represent 6,5% of its GDP, and the European Union aims to produce more with less, reduce waste and improve energy efficiency. As stated in a symposium recently organized by the Ramón Areces Foundation in collaboration with BioEuroLatina.

The 6,5% of the GDP of our country is based on the bioeconomy, with an 8% of the population occupied in it at the beginning of 2016, according to Manuel Lainez, general director of the National Institute of Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA). The most important sector is agri-food, with 5,59% of GDP, while forestry represents 0,6% and biomass, 0,34%. What is a figure around 3.700 million euros.

As pointed out by Lainez, Spain has proposed "promoting forest production, food processing, marine production, biomass, bioproducts and bioenergy."

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