Ence begins the works of the largest biomass complex in Spain. 750 jobs and 90 million euros.

ence huelva biomass

The investment will touch the 90 million euros, the largest of a company in Huelva this year and will create direct, indirect and induced jobs around 750

Ence has started the foundation work of what will be the largest biomass energy generation complex in Spain. San Juan del Puerto will house the third of its facilities, after the start-up of 50 and 41 MW. The investment that will be necessary once it enters into service will be around 90 million euros. The same sources pointed out that, although the automation processes have allowed the reduction of the necessary personnel to be able to operate them and that will allow the creation of 30 direct jobs, and the start-up of the plant will allow to create, between indirect and induced jobs , more than 750.


