The biomass sector is growing thanks to the ear

with more industry more and better employment

Notes from Juan Delgado's interview with the President of AVEBIOM, Javier Díaz, published in LARAZON on 04/03/2018

Javier Díaz considers that this technology should have a greater weight in the energy mix in the not too distant future. It could have between 4.000 and 5.000 megawatts installed in a sustainable way (today it only has about 750 in electricity generation). In 2004 we created the Spanish Association for Energy Valorization (Avebiom), of which I have been president since then, to promote the energy use of biomass, we neither transform nor recycle a resource, but rather value it energetically. Avebiom organzia every two year the sector fair EXPOBIOMASA

What does biomass represent today in the Spanish energy market as a whole?

Very little. In the electricity generation part, we have around 750 megawatts installed out of a park of 104.000. Where we do have a growing presence, although still scarce, is in the thermal sector, where power is close to 9.500 megawatts.

The market share that we are reaching is reasonable considering our condition. It is difficult for us to reach the population. Fossil fuels are managed by huge companies with the capacity to carry out powerful advertising and communication campaigns. Biomass is growing thanks to word of mouth. Our consumers are proud of belonging and, in addition, they boast of it.

Why is power generation paralyzed since the controversial decree of 2012?

In our case, basically because the numbers do not come out. There is no possibility of return. Obviously, more megawatts of biomass must be added to the energy mix. Ours is the third country in Europe in wooded forest area; Our forests grow at an annual rate of 55-60 million cubic meters and between 16 and 18 million are being cut down, so we are increasing biomass, which means that when a fire breaks out there is no one to put it out. Everyone agrees that we must act in the forest and, of course, biomass is a good solution because, in addition, this material would be remunerated. That said, wind power will continue to grow and photovoltaics will resume the growth path, and biomass could have the capacity to have up to 4.000 - 5.000 megawatts and replace a significant part of what the coal-fired power plants that are closed represent.

Why do not the renewables have all the force that was expected?

The pressures of fossil fuels are very important around the world. Both the gas and oil sectors have important lobby offices both in Brussels and in other decision-making centers. The bubble that was created with solar has hurt all renewables. Paying the megawatt at more than 400 euros was savage. What was not done well was to change the rules of the game when it had already been invested.

What social benefits can the expansion of biomass have?

It is already revitalizing the rural environment. Our sector for every megawatt installed creates approximately 3,2 jobs.


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