The energy cost of the slaughterhouse of Mieres (Asturias) will be reduced by 30% when changing to biomass

Biomass boiler slaughterhouse of Mieres

The Association of Economic Interest (AIE) formed by the companies Hunosa and Urbaser have installed the biomass boiler in the Macelo de Asturias (Mieres). The project has required an investment of 450.000 euros, which will be amortized over 10 years.

The director of Macelo de Mieres, Manuel del Busto, highlighted the benefits of a system that has allowed to reduce costs to a facility that has been running 25 for years. He took the opportunity to thank "the facilities that the City Council has given us to address the project to install the biomass boiler," and pointed out that the initial investment did not entail any expense for the company that manages the slaughterhouse. Thus we have evolved from coal to diesel, and now to biomass.

On the other hand, José Luis Viesca, president of Hunaser and director of Energy of the Hunosa group, explained that this activity is part of the company's energy services line. "We assume all the investment, and the client amortizes the investment throughout the term of the contract," he explained. The saving is around 30%, although that figure is variable between one business and another.

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