A 1 MW biomass boiler and the remotorization of the trigeneration plant are the main improvements to the high energy efficiency system of the Parc Bit business park in Palma. The investment by the Sampol Group has been almost three million euros.
The improvements made represent a significant leap in efficiency and a reduction in NOx emissions to the atmosphere of 1.250 mg / Nm3, going from 1.500 to 250 mg / Nm3, and a reduction of 30% in CO2 emissions.
El District Heating with 15 km of pipeline The underground provides customer water and cold water for air conditioning to 25 buildings through 50 substations 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and is a good example of hybridization of cogeneration with renewables.
To supply the hot water, a biomass boiler model BioFire 1000 from the Austrian firm has been installed Heart, which consumes 1.200 tonnes per year of G50 wood chips from sustainable forest management.