The “Fomenta la Bioenergía 2024” award recognizes Francisco Repullo’s work in favor of the renewable gas sector

bioenergy decarbonisation renewable energies
The award ceremony will take place on May 6, 2025 during EXPOBIOMASA

The Spanish Association for Energy Recovery of Biomass (AVEBIOM) has decided to award the “Fomenta la Bioenergía 2024” prize to Francisco Repullo Almagro, former president of the Spanish Biogas Association (AEBIG). This award recognises those who, like him, have worked in an outstanding way to promote the bioenergy sector in our country.

Javier Diaz, president of AVEBIOM, points out that “Francisco Repullo has been a key figure in the development of biogas in Spain for more than 15 years. With this award we highlight his effort and perseverance and his personal and professional commitment to the sector, especially in the most difficult times when energy legislation was completely adverse.”

During his presidency at AEBIG, which it held since its founding in 2009 until a few months ago, Repullo has managed to bring together numerous companies that are currently carrying out important biogas and biomethane production projects throughout the country. In addition, their collaboration has been fundamental to the success of the Renewable Gas Fair, the benchmark event for the sector in Spain organised by AVEBIOM.

The award ceremony will take place on May 6, 2025, in Valladolid, during EXPOBIOMASA, the largest international fair for biomass technologies in Spain and Southern Europe. Until December 31 of this year, those interested in exhibiting can benefit from special contracting conditions.

Fourteen award winners since 2010

AVEBIOM has been recognising the contribution of relevant entities or individuals to the sustainable development of bioenergy since 2010.

In previous editions have received the 'Fomenta la Bioenergía' award el City Council of Tarrasa (2010) Representative (2011), the Energy Agency of Andalusia (2012), the Junta de Castilla and Leon (2013), the Office of Climate Change of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (2014), the Xunta de Galicia (2015), the public company Nasuvinsa-Navarra of Land and Housing (2016), the University of Valladolid (2017), the Give-Ciemat (2018), the Basque Energy Agency (2019) Christian rakos, president of the WBA (2020), organizations FSC y PEFC (2021), the Badajoz Provincial Council (2022) and the company Ence - Energy and Cellulose SA. (2023).