Since the first edition of Expobiomasa, in 2006, pellet consumption in Europe in the residential sector has gone from 3 more than 18 million tons. In this same period, the consumption of domestic pellets in Spain has increased to the 700.000 tons per year that were consumed in 2020. And the forecasts suggest that it will exceed 800.000 tons in 2023.

Spanish producers guarantee the supply and increase production in a rhythmic way. Spain's productive capacity far exceeds consumption, which allows it to supply the national market and export to other European countries.

La ENplus certification of the pellet has consolidated as quality reference among consumers worldwide. 38 Spanish manufacturers have the certificate in force and work daily to maintain the required parameters, while increasing the levels of control and inspection in order to guarantee quality.

The Spanish Bioethanol Association, BIO-E, has signed an agreement as an ally to participate in the EXPOBIOMASA 2025 fair. BIO-E is an organization that promotes the biorefining of agricultural raw materials and waste to produce proteins, biomaterials and bioethanol. Bioethanol is a product used in the healthcare sector, in industry and as a renewable fuel to reduce gasoline emissions.
The Spanish Biomass Association, AVEBIOM, publishes a price comparison between the main energy sources available on the current market for domestic heating, with data from the first half of 2024 to help consumers make informed decisions.
A team of researchers from Pontevedra is carrying out tests on the pyrolization of forest and agricultural remains to obtain biochar, a carbonaceous material that can be used as a soil amendment and improve its fertility and structure and contribute to carbon capture among other uses.
The sector associations AVEBIOM and APROPELLETS, which give support and voice to more than 250 companies related to the value chain of energy generation with biomass in Spain, regret the end of the reduced VAT of 10% for pellets and firewood, which it has returned to 21% since July 1.
The latest statistical report on the wood pellet market in Europe, published by the European bioenergy association, Bioenergy Europe, offers the information necessary to understand its recent evolution, the factors that have influenced consumption and production, and the financial implications. underlying...
In the month of May 2024, the Spanish Biomass Association has carried out a comparative analysis of the prices of different solid biofuels such as ENplus® certified pellets, wood chips and olive pits and other energy sources available in Spain, and its behavior over the last 10 years.
ECOFRICALIA will be in charge of installing the first pellet plant in Cuba. The installation is part of the development aid project “Energy valorization of residual woody biomass in agri-food and bionatural products industries.”
The energy that an industry needed for its production processes or a neighborhood community or a hotel to heat its residents in 2022 was 4,6 times more expensive if it was obtained with gas than if wood chips were used.
The characteristics that make this packaging unique is its biodegradable, compostable and reusable quality. In addition, the inks used are made from water, therefore, biodegradable and vegan, that is, they do not contain any chemicals that affect the earth.
It is a digital tool that connects biomass and natural energy producers with the client. With just over a year of experience, more than 800 satisfied customers and more than a thousand tons of biomass sold, it is a digital Marketplace for producers and customers where you can access the best biomass offer on the market with a single click. .
The price of the pellet price at origin or ex works (EXW) peaked in November 2022 and has fallen 43,5 percentage points until March 2023 After reaching its all-time high, with a value of 220,1% compared to the base value From 100% in the first quarter of 2019 (when the EXW index began to be compiled), the ENplus® pellet market in Spain is beginning to recover some normality.
From Apropellets they continue to detect web pages and emails that, with the claim to sell wood pellets, offer prices well below the market and only seek to defraud consumers and distributors.