The Soria biomass heat network foresees reaching the 16.000 clients

soria heat network

The city of Soria It has become one of the standard bearers of the use of biomass as an energy source of hot water and heating among the provincial capitals of Spain. Thanks to the heat network Start-up by the company Rebi (Biomass Resources) that has had funding from the ICO and Suma Capital funds, has already managed to reach 8.000 clients in a first stage. And it intends, with its expansion towards the center and south zone of the capital, to duplicate this figure.

Currently generates around 45 million Kw / hour per year with a consumption of forest material of 16.000 annual tons, which serve to supply, through a closed circuit of 28 kilometers extension, both to communities of owners as schools, hospitals, homes for the elderly, public buildings or sports facilities.

The project has in its first stage with Three boilers of 6 Mw each one of power. In each property that contracts the service, the company has installed an exchange substation, which also allows to bill only for the energy consumed in the home or property.

The project of the company is not the only one in progress in Castilla y León, where they have already started with the heat networks in the 2012 year in the Soria region. Olvega. Now they are working on a project to supply 3.000 homes in the Burgos town of Aranda de Duero which is expected to become operational within two years with an investment of 8 million euros.

The company has its headquarters in Valladolid and Soria and its own pellet factory in the Soria town of Cabrejas del Pinar.
